Catriona (Tina) Parratt, Ph.D.
I am a third generation migrant from the Isle of Skye and first generation migrant to Iowa City, with various way stations en route which are reflected in my academic history: BA, University of Birmingham, England; Post Graduate Certificate of Education, Carnegie College, Leeds, England; MHK, University of Windsor, Canada; PhD, The Ohio State University. My research and teaching interests are in the history of sport and leisure, with a particular focus on class, gender, ethnicity and race and, most recently on the flows and exchanges – of people, practices, institutions, and cultural products – between the Scottish Highlands and the Americas. Currently I am working on a cultural and social history that examines land use politics and hunting on Skye during the Great War era.
Research Interests:
- History of sport and leisure
- Diversity and sport
- Sport historiography
Recent Courses:
- 028:029:002 (SPST:1000:0002) First-Year Seminar, Scotland the Brave: Ways of Being, Ways of Seeing the People and the Place
- 028:176 (SPST:3176:0SCA) Sport and Nationalism
- 028:178 (SPST:3178:0001) History of Sport in the US to 1900
- 028:177 (SPST:3177:0001) Western World Sport: Greeks to Present
- 028:278 (SPST: 6078:0001) Seminar Women in Sport
- 028:28:374 (SPST:6074:0001) Seminar in Sport History
- President of the North American Society of Sport History
"More Than Mere Amusement" Working-Class Women's Leisure in England, 1750-1914
Northeastern University Press
A Testing Time
Journal of Sport History
October 2014
October 2014, 41:3 487-494
‘Refuge’: Gender, Class, Sex, and Sport in Northern England, 1960s-1970s
2016, 141-152
“Wasn’t It Ironic? The ‘Haxey Hood” and the Great War” in Deconstructing Sport History: A Postmodern Analysis, Murray G. Phillips, ed.
State University of New York Press
2006, 131-146