Articles from November 2021
Department of Anthropology Native American and Indigenous Studies Prize
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
This scholarship will be awarded to students demonstrating a commitment to partnering with and supporting Native American and Indigenous communities. This award is open to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Iowa. This scholarship awards $500-1000, and up to two scholarships are awarded each academic year.

Recognition for Marra's The Pull of Horses project
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Dr. Kim Marra's The Pull of Horses receives Honorable Mention for the 2021 ATHE-ASTR (Association for Theatre in Higher Education – American Society for Theatre Research) Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship, awarded each year to an individual or team that demonstrates innovation and rigor in the use of electronic/digital media for the purpose of producing or disseminating knowledge about theatre and performance.

Sport studies students participate in Town Hall with Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren
Monday, November 1, 2021
Sport Studies students Carson Beck, Austin Hanson, and Chloe Peterson, along with faculty member Travis Vogan, participated in a Town Hall with Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren on November 1 to discuss some of the crucial issues the conference is facing. They were part of a select group of student chosen from the Big Ten schools to talk with Warren.
Anne Anlin Cheng "Ornamentalist Magic and Apoparitions of the Yellow Woman"
Monday, November 1, 2021
Anne Anlin Cheng is the author of The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalysis, Assimilation, and Hidden Grief); Second Skin: Josephine Baker and the Modern Surface; and, most recently, Ornamentalism (which will provide the foundation for this talk). Focusing on the cultural and philosophic conflation between the "oriental" and the "ornamental," Ornamentalism offers an original and sustained theory about Asiatic femininity in western culture.